Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Don,t be envyous of super-models. Just look the way they do!

Just paste thoose link to visit our store
1. luce, 2. Untitled, 3. Working, 4. Stove Top
plan to be surprised.
women who have these hormonal issues typically carry alot of weight around the middle (due to the out of control insulin and resultant too high of testosterone) and a high protein and fiber diet combined with low carbs really helps with that. an added benefit is that these types of foods are so filling, and you avoid the highs and crashes that people with blood sugar problems live by.
confession :: i miss saved by the bell
i know some people don't love the whole valentine's thing. but it is so fun to me! i don't care if the greeting card company made it up- any day where i get to be pretty, treated with sweetness, have a declicious dinner and some romance is right on in my book.
the girl loves a project. i mean LOVES. it was like so fun to her to print them off, plan how she wanted to present them, go to the store for candy, sign, and put them together. she just bossed me around and made sure i tied the string right.
cate chose these pretty little traditional valentines cards from bunny cakes. i love them.
i'm just obsessed with him. fee
but let me tell you, that's not how it will really go. i imagine most kids will want to stay home and play computer games, but their moms will make them come and so they'll grudgingly put on a some church pants and skirts. so i was wondering if you could help me know how to bring the romance back into our modern life? it's not really that important, no matter the dress or the menu, we just want the kids to come to feel the spirit of the temple. but it's like you said, anne, when you don't use your imagination to make life beautiful, "how much you miss."
acre of land is my favorite song of his.
and as i've been laying in my misery, i've been thinking a lot about that penny, and just how lonely i'd be if she wasn't there with me.
dear anne shirley, it's been a long time since i last wrote. but i need your advice. i am planning a primary activity for this spring. since our theme for the year is my eternal family, and we like to have our activities point the children to what they are learning, i thought it might be nice if we have a picnic on or near the grounds of the mt. timpanogos temple and let them bask in the beauty of that place and reflect on the importance of their own eternal family.
from anthro
like this one, for instance. my older brother uploaded it while reminiscing about the old buggie he rebuilt in the 80s.
from toast
i had a really tumultuous teenager-hood. i was a happy and smart little kid, it was surprising when so much angst welled up inside me.
i thought i'd live there forever. one day when i was 12, my dad quit his job and we moved to lake tahoe. it rocked my stable world.
seriously though, my closest friends are: fun, real and honest, good, entertaining, in love with life, a little crazy, down to earth, deep, and incapable of bs.
I'll show you what i've been working on soon- they're presents and i have to give them away first. have a nice monday!
it makes me too happy. drawers full of yarn, too. glorious.
again, happy things.
1. make stuff :: knit, 2. april, 3. fond of, 4. Crochet Stack, 5. noon :: 8, 6. layering, 7. 7mos, 8. afternoon, 9. sleepy mama, 10. waiting for me, 11. There's only one captain on this boat!, 12. Very Special Scarves, 13. Michelle Williams ♥, 14. new drawing corner, 15. the other side, 16. Untitled, 17. pride and joy, 18. steven alan imitation, 19. atthestove, 20. Untitled, 21. film.207, 22. hi, 23. Working, 24. Lashes, 25. s t i l l : morning quiet time, 26. anthem for a 17 year-old girl, 27. Untitled, 28. reasons for staying, 29. Untitled, 30. book girl, 31. Untitled, 32. ships ahoy!, 33. juk box, 34. ..., 35. grapefruit & new curtains, 36. gams
i have been laying in bed sick since monday. it seems to be getting worse by the day, not better. i am so irritated and antsy. i miss my family and i want to clean my house.
all day the kids hung out at that corner, played on that grass, got drinks out of that hose, went through the secret passage way in the juniper bushes, and only left the area to go "around the block" over and over again. sometimes it was on bikes with banana seats, sometimes roller skates, sometimes big wheels, sometimes walking, even occasionally on skateboards with cardboard boxes on them (our "cars").
what an adventure it is.
i couldn't find a video of him performing it, but listen to the lyrics.
me: um, we didn't have computers in our homes then.

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