Saturday, April 25, 2009

Blood pressure went out of your control, Sort it out.

with that heres the stuff i eat salad with chicken a different salad with chicken repeat repeat this is the hard thing about it not a ton of delicious options im kind of kidding ive found a few other yummy things too
a little note for my valentine
when cate is too scared to go downstairs penny will go with her and everything is all right she lets cate dress her up for weddings or try to ride her or pull her by the tail almost daily and even knowing the torture she will soon endure she gets so excited when cate gets home from school
lunch whole wheat pita with tuna or deli meat or a big salad with grilled chicken
acre of land is my favorite song of his
even more obsessed with flickr than usual of late
and how every plan ive ever made has been reconstructed into something harder and better than what i laid out as my own agenda
i am determined
again happy things
1 make stuff knit 2 april 3 fond of 4 Crochet Stack 5 noon 8 6 layering 7 7mos 8 afternoon 9 sleepy mama 10 waiting for me 11 Theres only one captain on this boat 12 Very Special Scarves 13 Michelle Williams ♥ 14 new drawing corner 15 the other side 16 Untitled 17 pride and joy 18 steven alan imitation 19 atthestove 20 Untitled 21 film207 22 hi 23 Working 24 Lashes 25 s t i l l morning quiet time 26 anthem for a 17 year-old girl 27 Untitled 28 reasons for staying 29 Untitled 30 book girl 31 Untitled 32 ships ahoy 33 juk box 34 35 grapefruit & new curtains 36 gams
from the spring/summer 09 toast catalog
plan to be surprised
and then i realized i love her so much
and that made me think of all the insomniatic nights that she stayed up with me and mirrored my every move and snuggled me right out of my anxiety into dreamland long after grant and cate had drifted off
(but honestly i dont snack alot when you eat so much protein you dont get hungry as often through the day)
i went to the fabric store tonight in search of prints to make some new spring scarves with some will probably end up in the shop too i just love this look also i love toast (the catalog and the cooked bread)
it was the first time i realized that things dont always go how you think they will and that it all can turn out better than you imagined

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