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i remember that, too. it was really fun. i hope it gets warm again real soon. i can't wait to go to the park again with you two. love, mom
i think they are so cute. i love her litte handwriting. and she is beyond excited to pass them out. some other projects she and i looked at but didn't get around to (of course) from martha (of course):
Yummy fabric ready to ship
Off to the kindergarten valentine party
i have been laying in bed sick since monday. it seems to be getting worse by the day, not better. i am so irritated and antsy. i miss my family and i want to clean my house.
Taking the valentines, happy girl
how have you been surprised? what can i say?
what a few hours on a sunny day can do for you... yew
i couldn't find a video of him performing it, but listen to the lyrics.
i know some people don't love the whole valentine's thing. but it is so fun to me! i don't care if the greeting card company made it up- any day where i get to be pretty, treated with sweetness, have a declicious dinner and some romance is right on in my book.
all the sudden i'm 30. i thought i'd be driving a mini van full of kids and happily decorating my own home. but life has shown me again that i am not in control. and as i wait for more children and a sense of being settled,
one of my resolutions for 2009 was to stop ignoring the etsy shop and to not spin my wheels all day. (these two problems are very related). i am the queen of walking in circles around the house and not really getting anything accomplished. i wouldn't care except for that it drives me nuts! part of the problem is my insomniatic nights which leave me only half there during the day times ( which then leads to high caffeine consumption). so i decided step one is to get good nights' sleeps. i am trying to change my night time routine to a peaceful, herbal tea, quiet inspiration seeking few hours. it helps if i keep our room clean and the sheets freshly washed and calming. reading more- tv less- at night is a goal. then hopefully my days will be a little more with it. because i hate wasting time!
it transported me back in time to simpler, sunnier days, and it's been making really happy to stare at today.
i do have one faithful companion who is braving the germs: penny the pug russell.
let me explain...
cate chose these pretty little traditional valentines cards from bunny cakes. i love them.
do you have to be obsessed with yarn and needles and hooks like i am to think that is the most inviting little space you've ever seen?
i love all the sweet, artistically talented bloggers that offer free downloads around holidays for us readers.
cate: what did you play on the computer, then?
a few months in the life of this infertile girl...
i got a lot emails about what i eat and how it effects pcos- so i hope you don't mind if i just answer all the questions here, instead of going through each email.
what an adventure it is.
1. make stuff :: knit, 2. april, 3. fond of, 4. Crochet Stack, 5. noon :: 8, 6. layering, 7. 7mos, 8. afternoon, 9. sleepy mama, 10. waiting for me, 11. There's only one captain on this boat!, 12. Very Special Scarves, 13. Michelle Williams ♥, 14. new drawing corner, 15. the other side, 16. Untitled, 17. pride and joy, 18. steven alan imitation, 19. atthestove, 20. Untitled, 21. film.207, 22. hi, 23. Working, 24. Lashes, 25. s t i l l : morning quiet time, 26. anthem for a 17 year-old girl, 27. Untitled, 28. reasons for staying, 29. Untitled, 30. book girl, 31. Untitled, 32. ships ahoy!, 33. juk box, 34. ..., 35. grapefruit & new curtains, 36. gams
grant and i talked last fall about wanting to take control and own a home and make some of our dreams a reality. so we planned to move back to california for some opportunities there.
dinner: i kind of snack or have a lunch type meal again. dinner is tricky because i still need to prepare dinner for my family. so i do. but i'm not super hungry at night so i just eat whatever. broccoli, a little of what they're having, or snacky stuff, or chicken wings, or crispy thin crust pizza. but! i always end the day with a low carb ice cream bar.
i will i will i will. please hold me accountable if you don't see the results posted next week. the inspiration pieces:
one thing i enjoy about facebook is the old pictures that friends and fam upload to walk down memory lane together with you.
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