Saturday, September 8, 2007

Family BFF's - Rmail

What a day of great memories. Our friends, Todd, Sonja, Cassie, Colton & Colby came for Friday night & Saturday. The kids had a great time playing while the adults caught up on some much needed visiting. Todd & Sonja have been great friends & spiritual leaders for our family. Our kids have grown up together & we've taken the kids group photo shots over & over as we've added new family members. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us, friends! We miss seeing you several times a week. I'm sure thankful for cell phones & email...Brad can tease us all he wants about calling each other every day! You are in my Alltel Circle!! :)
Link - Sat, 08 Sep 2007 20:36:52 GMT - Feed (1 subs)

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